6 «Stock certificates can tell a tale rich in suggestions and nuances. They are among the less studied documents in a business culture in which images prevail. Share or bond cer- tificates can be read as a unique source to understand how entrepreneurs have decided to narrate their own history over time. Sometimes they appear to be lacking narrative elements, they appear to be a sheer graphical expression with few figurative elements, without indicating – as this doesn’t fall within their mission – the identity and the quality of the product which is the re- sponsability of the trademarks, advertising and promotional materials, all appealing and persuasive elements capable of anticipating or of following trends, capable of seducing or conquering markets. On the other hand, it is a very useful instrument – and from this point of view it brings to mind the « company medal » which is another iconic and cele- brative expression of the company - in tracking signs and offering elements to describe the style of power 1 ». INTRODUCTION 1 Monica Amari, «Lo stile del potere, Le società quotate in borsa valori di Milano al 2000 / Profili storici e titoli azionari» ( The Style of power, the listed joint-stock companies in Milan in 2000/Historical Profiles and stock certifi- cates », curated by Giuseppe De Luca, Center for Business Culture- Steering Committee of the Milan stockbrokers - Monte Titoli SpA.