14 Last century and more precisely in 1977, the term Scripophily was coined for the first time to define a specific type of collecting. The term comprises the word “ scrip ” meaning a provisional certificate of securities and “ philos ” a Greek word meaning an appreciated object. Scripophily represents a type of collection which is rather recent and at the same time so special that it is generating more and more interest both at European and international level. The different objects, i.e. stocks and bonds represent a historical testimony of the financial world. Scripophily represents part of a country’s financial history. When companies needed to raise funds for their business, they would issue securities in the form of shares or debt instruments in the form of bonds. One can thus find different types of securities and debt instruments. A true piece of history of each individual company which over time has either re- mained independent, merged or has ceased its activity. This explains the interest of collectors since each title, in addition to the technical characteristics such as the type of paper used, the colour or illustration which is sometimes signed by famous engravers or artists of the period also contains the signatures, stamps, dates, name of the holder and the transfers, the name of the notary and other important information which enable us to place the document in a specific period and consequently in the social, political and economic context of its issuance on the market. INTRODUCTION TO COLLECTION