5 Family Offices are subjects that manage the wealth of one or more families acting as linchpins and ensuring the coordination between families and their assets. The management, protection, conservation and increase of family assets thanks to the Family Office is a true organisational model which aims at ensuring efficiency and the maximisation of performance. Such family asset organisational model developed greatly in the US starting at the beginning of last century and it was then gradually imported into Europe and from there in the early nineties it spread to Italy as well. The Family Office responds to the needs of the “Ultra High Net Worth Individuals”, i.e. families with securities and real estate assets with the task of managing and organising their assets according to the goals set by the family itself to maximise performance. Such complex activity needs a high level of specialisation and professionalism in addition to top quality and experienced professional profiles. The Family Office responds to wealth management, corporate finance and risk management needs and also offers administrative and legal services, including those of a non financial nature such as family relations management between family members in particular following testate successions. The response that a Family Office can offer concerning activities in the sports sector is particularly appropriate. Indeed, it offers a useful response in terms of risk management for family activities which are often characterised by emotional choices. These specific sectors of interest – culture and sport – attract and inspire new generations in particolar and their involvement in view of their entry in the management sector can constitute an important training opportunity.