11 however, belongs to the following century with documents from many other countries, including Spain, Portugal, Belgium and the United States. England is principally distinguished by specific English companies in the gold, silver, and coal mining industries, as well as railways, which have operated all over the world, including in colonies in South Africa, Australia and India. It may be that the British securities seem less graphically avant-garde in comparison to the American or Continental securities, yet due to their rarity, those included in this collection are considered more attractive than others. «The story that a title can recount is a story rich of suggestions and nuances. Due to its primary association with the business culture, it is undoubtedly one of the least studied documents. And yet, the share certificate or bond can be read as an original source. Indeed, a careful study allows us to understand how entrepreneurial power has decided to tell its story in the course of time. Many times it may appear to be without narrative clues or immersed in an algid graphic expression, interspersed with only a few figurative notes. It does not speak of the product’s identity and the quality. That is not its job. That is the work of trademarks, advertising posters, promotional materials, all catchy and persuasive elements, capable of anticipating and following trends, to seduce and conquer the markets. Instead, the financial document becomes a very useful tool – and in this one recalls the company medal, another iconic and celebratory expression – in tracing signs and offering ideas for the narration about the style of power.» 1 Notebook VI, titled Finance and Technology , will be presented to the participants of the event “Women in Technology”, Rome, November 19, 2018. 1 Monica Amari, Lo stile del potere, Le società quotate in borsa valori di Milano al 2000 / Profili storici e titoli azionari , a cura di Giuseppe De Luca, Centro per la Cultura d’Impresa - Comitato Direttivo degli Agenti di cambio di Milano - Monte Titoli SpA.