Milan – May 25/30, 2020
The Milan Digital Week, initially programmed between March 11 and March 15, 2020 owing to the Covid-19 health emergency, was postponed to May 25-May 30, 2020. It took place solely on the digital platforms and social media.
The collection presented in this year’s edition is the digitalisation work carried out by the R.F.O. Study and Research Centre in Milan (founded byCristina Rossello).
The Head of the Arts and Culture Department focused on the phases adopted for the digital filing. The initiative was entitled “Digitalization and Insurance”.
The event was accompanied by the publication of the IXth Cahier containing a small, albeit very significant, selection of the collection.
Modena – July 12, 2019
The menu exhibition “Ephemera Menu and Antique Equity Certificates: Art and Graphic” is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the International Profilo Donna Prize organised at the Palazzo Ducale of the Military Academy on July 12, 2019. The Profilo Donna Prize has been organized by Cristina Bicciocchi since 1989 and it celebrates women who excel in terms of commitment and results achieved in their sectors of reference. The “2019 Culture, Leadership and Solidarity” Prize for food was awarded to Lara Gilmore for the Soul for Food cultural project to eliminate food waste which was developed during the Expo in Milan. It processed the food surpluses and offered them to people in the reception centres. Together with Massimo Bottura and in collaboration with the Caritas Ambrosiana, they developed the Refettorio Ambrosiano Project which refurbished an abandoned theatre in Milan. The exhibition of the menus, followed by a detailed illustration of their historical, artistic and cultural explanation had the precise objective of highlighting the human, cultural, solidarity and ethic meaning of the event.
Milan – May 3-9, 2019
With the patronage of :

The “Ephemera Food, Menus and Ancient Equities: Arts and Graphics” (II) exhibition was held during the 2019 Milan Food City event (from May 3 to May 9, 2019). The exhibition included a selection of menus related to the food sector, historical and cultural information, filing techniques and the valorization of private collections. Moreover, focus workshops were held with the rapporteurs, godmothers and pupils of Progetto Donne e Futuro. A series of menus were displayed in the main building and a second series dedicated exclusively to the “menus” of the City of Milan in another prestigious venue. The exhibition also included workshops explaining layouts for exhibitions and shows; technical demonstrations for the filing and custody of collections and historical documents and meetings with important art and works curators. The initiative was granted the important patronage of the City of Milan.
Milan - December 4, 2018
On December 4, 2018, an important meeting promoted by Mediolanum Banca was held in Milan at Palazzo Briandrà in via Santa Margherita 1. The RFO Study and Research Centre presented and exposed a detailed selection of antique menus that are part of an important collection within a family heritage. The project was presented by Cristina Rossello MP and lawyer, together with the project curator Marika Lion and pupil Grazia Salvemini, who explained the technical details of the project. Other speakers were Laura Pepe (Professor of Ancient Greek Law), Giovanni Pirovano (banker), Lea Zanini (Banca Mediolanum) and Carlo Cracco (renowned chef).
Rome – November 19, 2018
On November 19, 2018 the British ambassador Jill Morris together with lawyer Cristina Rossello and her foundation “Progetto Donne e Futuro” hosted the “Women in Technology” event at Villa Wolkonsky, the historical official residence of the British ambassador in Rome.
The afternoon was dedicated to the presentation of the Progetto Donne e Futuro project and the training of young women in the technological field by lawyer Cristina Rossello. Marika Lion, the curator of the RFO Study and Research Centre and the project’s pupil Grazia Salvemini outlined the historical document filing project for ancient menus published in the sixth Cahier entitled “Finance and Technology”.
Milan, May 7 to 13, 2018
With the patronage of :

At the nutrition events programme held in Milan from May 7 to May 13 under the significant title “Milan Food City”, the “Ephemera Food Menus and Antique Share Certificates: Arts and Graphics” initiative illustrated layout techniques for events and exhibitions by means of demos showing filing technique for private collections and worshops with important art curators. The City of Milan granted the initiative its official patronage. The “FINANCE & FOOD” Cahier was published for the occasion.
Milan – April 10, 2018
With the patronage of :

At Palazzo Mezzanotte, the headquarters of the Borsa Italiana (the Italian Stock Exchange), the temple of Milanese finance, important English and Commonwealth (Canada, South Africa, India, New Zealand and Mauritius) financial share certificates were published in the Cahier entitled “FINANCE & DIPLOMACY” dedicated to British ambassador Ms. Jill Morris. The objective of illustrating the contributions which digitalisation and a good mastering of the new technologies can offer to history and cultural goods was successfully achieved.
Montecaro, February 20, 2018
On November 7, 2017 Progetto Donne e Futuro was invited to Monte Carlo to take part in the important event entitled: “Planning,
Vision, Value Approach, Philanthropy Strategies”. Philanthropy acquires a special value in today's society. Indeed,
it represents a safe, long-term investment capable of impacting positively on our social fabric and create value. Female
collaboration, one of the fundamentals of the Progetto Donne e Futuro Association which is a perfect expression of it, has
demonstrated that if correctly planned and future-oriented important goals can be attained.
San Marino – January 20, 2018
ART & FINANCE DAY was the title of the meeting held in San Marino on January 20, 2018 by the R.F.O. Institutional Projects Study and Research Centre highlighting the opportunity of linking collection archives to digital technology. The event was sponsored by the State Segretariat for Education and Culture, the State Secretariat for Foreign Affairs, the State Secretariat for Tourism and The European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations. It was a highly specialised moment dedicated to those who believe in the opportunities art offers, highlighting to the public how the art market can “become viable” and help develop tourism and culture both of which are a “must” for San Marino if it wishes to attract an international public. The event was accompanied by the publication of the “ART & FINANCE DAY” Cahier.